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Giga Gaudia

Giga Gaudia

Giga Gaudia srls

via Gobetti 2 Abbiategrasso Milan

p.iva: 13336400968

Giga Gaudia ( the storytelling )

it is the name of the company that collects the work of these years. The name means Great Happiness or Gigantic Joys. I didn't think I would find it the name for a business, be it a business, the name Giga Gaudia is a BRIDGE between the English with the term giga widely used in IT context, the FUTURE, and the Latin which is the HISTORY of this part of the world, so I have the opportunity already in the name to clarify how I intend to build the future: The future must have memory of the past to be a future bearer of great joys.

The name of the company should also have aspects specific to those who create it. In this case Mr Gi is my dad, a medal employee of corporate gold, Mrs. Ga is my mother, a fearless sole proprietor, two champions of tireless virtue at work and with a heart of gold in the family. For me, Gaudia are those domestic moments in which there was an unusual happiness that I have never felt in my life. Like my mom drying my hair with the hairdryer when I was a child, my mother and I sleeping on the sofa, she wanting to get up to go back to work and I held her tighter like a koala so as not to go away and we laugh out loud, the wonderful roses from my mother's garden that conveyed grace, the grapes from my grandfather's vineyard were delicious, Paolo Rossi scoring and we take the lead and my father hugging me tightly, my aunt tiptoeing into the living room and asking if we're winning, Tardelli doubles and my father shouts GOOOOOOOAL and my now deaf aunt who senses that we are winning, Altobelli who bags a razor and my father lifts me above his head and shouts WORLD CHAMPIONS, I who am full of joy even if I don't yet know what the word world means.

The GIGANTIC HAPPINESS that I wish to family members, friends, our collaborators and to all the people who have the kindness, patience and pleasure to become our customers.

GREAT JOYS to all of you!



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